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this is holland

last tear-out

…and so now in Holland and it feels good to be here – the last leg, not long to go and all. Think im actually on the last road atlas tear out from the car map book.

So, can’t quite pin point on what or why it is that I enjoy about being here. There isn’t anything that I find particularly quirky or different and I don’t see any significant landscapes but it just feels kind of comfortable and good to be here.

To get into Holland, I first caught the ferry over to the German Island of Borkum (from Emden) and spent an evening cycling around there – its susceptible to strong winds but is kind of rugged and rough and maybe in my eyes more like some of the islands off Scotland. Then the following day I was on the ferry into Holland – a port called Eemshaven, of which here I cycled to the West. The first few days in North Holland were pretty rough, but once past Leuwarden things picked up and it was a bubble of excitement in me to get to Amsterdam.

The cycling system is super good in Holland. All very well signposted and similar to Denmark the cyclists are given right of way on most occasions aswell as their own cycling roads.
Often there are two options for the routes available to follow when going somewhere – Green indicating a more scenic route and red indicating the most direct route.


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