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this is holland


To get to Amsterdam I cycled on the inland east coast route. It was a nice ride starting from Harlingen then heading across the big man-made dam that cuts over the Ijsselmeer. Once in Amsterdam I was like a rabbit in headlights – always taken aback at city life – forget how it is, so I found a hostel to stay in and headed back out – spent 2 days there and they were great!

Felt sort of wowwed by Amsterdam’s way. When I think back over some of the European cities I’ve been fortunate to visit, I have to say that for me I feel that Paris is always elegant and divine, Barcelona fizzes with excitement and zest, London is just pure ‘immensness’, Rome boasts tonnes of history and faith and then Berlin seems rough around the edges (but equally edgy and cool). Now I think Copenhagen comes close to Amsterdam but then it’s a bit more chic, and then you have Amsterdam…which to me is just easy-going with some secret sparkle.

Looking back over my photographs there is hardly a single picture taken in Amsterdam. I guess that says something.


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