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this is germany

smelly socks

It goes without saying that when on a bike tour there are many many days of smelling bad and today I cycled with a very kind couple from Switzerland, who cooked for me (I know – how lucky!) and I supplied the wine. They had not showered for some days and had insanely large thick beards and when I caught a whiff of one of them I thought “ohh I smell like that too”, must be a touring cyclist smell – unwashed sweat maybe?? They had cycled their stinking socks off Romania, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Albanian and actually many places that I can’t even remember now – their pictures were absolutely fantastic.

They have achieved so much in such a short time of 4 months and now on a mission to get back to their loved ones – was nice. Really like their bike set up and the Barbie doll steering the ship (was told).


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