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this is scotland

cullen bay to burghead

Windy windy day – escaped the wind for a bit into Spey Bay. Route 1 was well signposted – a large section is mostly the old railway track, and you head up and around the cliff tops and there were some lovely little fishing villages.

Headed into Elgin to have the stand on my bike fixed (this is a large town). Have been having to mount my bike the wrong way around (facing the back wheel) to get things out when on route – there is just so much weight on the bike and I just can’t hold it up when stopping without the stand – funny to watch, but the most annoying thing ever when the person with the bike.

There is a lot of riding through or around forests which is nice – kind of gets you away from the roads that cars commute on.

Late on in the day arriving at the wrong campsite was not the happiest moment of the day, then being told “it’s just around the corning , just about 10 miles, you go straight back where you just come from…and you see that hill… well you head up there”. Hmmmmm they’re clearly not on a cycle.

What I would love to hear would be “you see that tall dark handsome man over there… well he is going to take your 10 tone bike and taxi you to a 5 star hotel, and there will be a hot bubble bath run, clean clothes and a hot meal awaiting…” (well I can dream)


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